Moving image

She holds a BA in European Studies and an MA in Social Sciences and Cultural Studies. She has studied at the University of Portsmouth (UK), University of Charles (Prague), Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), and Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). She commenced her professional career in cinema as executive producer assistant at Origo Studios in Budapest in 2013. She has studied directing and cinematography and attended numerous workshops (Digital Production Challenge II 2019 and Documentary Campus Alumni 2020, among others). She has worked on international feature films as part of the director’s team or in production (Publieke Werken, 2014, dir. Joram Lürsen, NL/HU; Tsatsiki, 2015, dir. Lisa James Larsson, SE/GR; Interrail, 2018, dir. Carmen Alessandrin, FR/DE/HU/GR; Crimes of the Future, 2021, dir. David Cronenberg), and line-produced many incoming TV projects from China. For the last six years, she has been part of the production team of Argonauts Productions. Currently, she is developing two feature-length documentaries as a first-time producer (Dear Future by Christiana Chiranasgnostaki; and GingerELA by Thanasis Neofotistos) and is the International Coordinator at the Drama International Film Festival 2021. She has been awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship by ARTWORKS (2021).