“The World” is a pop-up show, presenting the most recent series of works by artist and SNF ARTWORKS Fellow 2021 Margarita Athanasiou. The large-scale glass prints and the text in the publication that accompanies them were created during a very brief period of time in January 2021 and will be on view for a week only.
Athanasiou’s work is text-based, utilises collage techniques and brings together autobiography and historical facts to create multi-layered narratives that span from humorously personal to eminently political. In this very personal project, she presents a series of A0 glass prints alongside a publication created in collaboration with MISC’s design team, Sylvia Sachini and Mano Tzavolakis. In line with her visual language, these newest collages combine original illustration and found imagery to construct esoteric landscapes ripe with hidden references. The partially-transparent syntheses depict wild animals, plants, plastic rock formations, personal objects and items of historical significance to create small-scale monuments of the mystical and the ordinary, still-lives that utilise archetypically romantic imagery, such as flowers and heart shapes to depict fantastical scenes that are grandiosely pop, playfully whimsical and unashamedly self-referential.
Usually working digitally or in the form of publications, this is Athanasiou’s first time toying with the exhibition format. Releasing her collages into the physical realm is the last stage of a creative ritual that she is hoping will give her usually digital worlds a different kind of space to breathe in.
Misc Athens
Toussa Mpotsari 20, Athens, 11741
[email protected]
+30 6934291552
Opening: Tuesday, April 26, 7pm
Dates: 26/04/2022 — 03/05/2022
Opening hours:
Tuesday – Thursday – Friday 12:00 – 20:00
Wednesday – Saturday 15:00 – 19:00
and by appointment