Konstantinos Karamaghiolis at the exhibition “Spannung/tension/ένταση/tentio”

19.02.25 @ 19:00

Split art projects , Vienna

“Tension” describes strength or intensity, the manifestation of something with force. The word itself has so many parallel interpretations that it expresses, beyond physical situations, emotions, conflicts and contradictions, that is, the essence of human nature. On the one hand, tension is the feeling that arises in a situation where people are afraid and do not trust one another, on the other hand, it is the balance between opposing forces or elements in an artistic work. It becomes a synthesis of controlled dramatic forces. “Tension” has its Latin roots in “tendere”, which means “to stretch” and tension appears when something is stretched, either physically or emotionally. Emotionally, it is a complex phenomenon that arises from the interaction between fantasy and hopes on the one hand and cognitive processes and the perception of reality on the other. Is tension an ongoing state of internal worry? Or is it a feeling of excitement and anticipation? Seven artists featured in the exhibition, and ten performance artists, lead us through their unique thought processes in a world of contradictions and conflicts, in a game of balance and power.

Exhibition, Spannung/tension/ένταση/tentio:
Viktoria Andreeva, Marianna Athanasiou, Ashkan Golshahi, Helen Mesadou, Carrot Root, Patrick, Topitschnig, Konstantinos Karamaghiolis

Performance, Spannung/tension/ένταση/tentio:
Julius Deutschbauer, Josef Ka F, Tina Jeranko, Lars Kollros, Peter Kraus/ Pablo Chiereghin, Milena Nowak, Christian Rupp, Michael René Sell, Patrick Topitschnig

February is dedicated to “Tension”
5.- 17.2. Performance Spannung/tension/ένταση/tentio
19.-28.2. Exhibition Spannung/tension/ένταση/tentio
1.3 Closing party

Performance Program:
Thursday, 5.2. Josef Ka F
Saturday, 8.2. Milena Nowak
Tuesday, 11.2. Christian Rupp
Wednesday, 12.2. Lars Kollros
Thursday, 13.2. Peter Kraus/ Pablo Chiereghin
Friday, 14.2. Julius Deutschbauer
Saturday, 15.2. Michael René Sell
Sunday, 16.2. Patrick Topitschnig
Monday, 17.2. Tina Jeranko

Georg Georgakopoulos, Michalis Argyrou – Vienna 2025

SPLITART PROJECTS WIEN – Radetzkystrasse 4, 1030 Wien

Opening: Wednesday, February 19, 19:00 – 22:00

February 19 – 28, 2025, Monday – Sunday 16:00 – 19:00

*Konstantinos Karamaghiolis is SNF ARTWORKS Moving Image Fellow (2022)