The show “I Heard it from the Valleys” curated by Eva Vaslamatzi presents a series of new productions linked through techniques, narratives and symbols related to the wide field of folk art. Artists are confronted with these traces of the recent past, retrieved and transferred through their work in an attempt at connecting or distancing themselves from them. Folk production and forms of knowledge, mainly anonymous, are approached here as a field of inspiration and possibility for understanding forms and behaviors, which function individually and independently from grander national narratives. Each work, with references to textiles, ceramics, dance, folk medicine and fairy tales amongst others, is a reminder of different models of life, production and economies linked often with provincial regions, the pre-eminent spaces where folk art flourishes. Without rejecting the notion of the urban landscape as an ongoing province, the exhibition focuses on the constant reliance of humans on their environment and the transfer of this relation into the material world.
The exhibition “I Heard it from the Valleys” is the result of the participation of Eva Vaslamatzi (SNF ARTWORKS Fellow) in the Curatorial Residency Program at SAHA Association in Istanbul (May-June 2021) made possible by the ARTWORKS association and with the support of Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).
“I Heard it from the Valleys”
Artists: Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, Aslι Çavuşoğlu, Anastasia Douka, Marina Papazyan, Evi Souli, VASKOS (Vasilis Noulas & Kostas Tzimoulis)
Curated by Eva Vaslamatzi
Opening 1/10/2021 4-9pm
Performance “The Wave” (choreographer: Evi Souli, dancer: Themis Chantzi) 6pm and 8pm
2/10 – 05/11/2021
Open every Wednesday and Friday 5pm to 8pm
and by appointment at [email protected]
Haus N Athen
Kairi 6, 105 51 Athens, Greece