Visual arts

Dimitra Kondylatou lives and works in Athens. She studied at the Dutch Art Institute and the Athens School of Fine Arts. She is interested in the limits of art and its interaction with tourism, economy and everyday life, as well as in practices, gestures and responses in contexts of hospitality and exchange. In the process of artistic research, she experiments with various media and forms, including narrative videos, video essays, digital drawings and projects of hospitality. From 2015 to 2017 she organized, curated and hosted The island-resignified, an artists-in-residence project at the neion guesthouse where she was working as a tourist hostess (2012-2018). In 2017-2018 she was part of the organizational and artistic board of TWIXTlab in Athens. Since 2008 she has participated and organized group exhibitions, workshops and conferences in Greece and abroad, some of which are: «Mountain Fringes» (Greveniti Residency, GR, 2019), «Dishmapping» (ASFA, Panteion University, 2018, 2019), «Weasel Dance» (Goethe Institut, Athens, 2019), «Ideology Meets Implementation» (W139, Amsterdam, 2017), «Learning from Documenta» (Αthens, 2016-2017), «Dialoghi di video-arte tra memoria e archivi» (Rome, 2013), «Rooms 2013 and Rooms +» (Αthens, 2013), Action Field KODRA, (Thessaloniki, 2011, 2012), «Canon HT6» (International Test Site (ITS)- Z1 Ritopek, SRB, 2011).