Moving image

Konstantinos Karamaghiolis was born in Athens in 1990. In 2012, he completed his studies in cinema as well as his first short film, Sphinx. The film was presented in 35 international film festivals, including: LA Shorts International Film Festival, Drama International Short Film Festival, Istanbul International Short Film Festival, Tirana International Film Festival, Cinema City in Novi Sad (Serbia), and Athens International Film Festival. In 2015, he completed The Iron Island, his first feature-length documentary which was screened in several documentary film festivals. He lives and works in Athens as a director (also of TV commercials) and screenwriter and has collaborated with the Greek TV network ANT1 and with the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, as a producer for one of the public radio stations. He is currently developing his second film, Subbuteo (scheduled to be filmed in 2023) and is writing his first feature-length fiction film.